YEP “Entrepreneurial University” initiative is implemented together with the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, EEPO, Diia.Business, the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Ukrainian Startup Fund, Genesis with the support of USAID Competitive Economy Program in Ukraine.

About the program
Universities play one of the most important roles in any developed startup ecosystem in the world. Ukraine should not be an exception. Innovation and entrepreneurship should become the main driver of growth and take universities to a new level. The program is divided into 2 modules:
Module 1.
Innovative entrepreneurship and startup ecosystem. Problem-solving and business model search. Customer Discovery phase
Startup ecosystem
Startup team
Design thinking. Empathy
Design thinking. Ideation
Validation of the idea
Business model canvas
Portrait of the client
Value proposition
Market analysis
Module 2.
Validation of the business model. Customer Validation phase. Introduction to startup management tools
Dynamics of the startup team
Minimum viable product (MVP)
Market assessment
Competitor analysis
Marketing basics in a startup
Investments, finance
Legal peculiarities
Pitchdeck. The final pitch
Example of materials
from topic 1. "Startup ecosystem"
Startup ecosystem
Features of innovative entrepreneurship, the definition of a startup.
The role of startups in the global economy.
Components of the startup ecosystem.
Stages of startup development.
Overview of the startup ecosystem of Ukraine.
Practical training:
Field trip to a startup coworking space, startup office, or other elements of the Ukrainian startup ecosystem or communication with an invited guest - a representative of the startup ecosystem.
You can watch and discuss a film about startups or analyze the story of a successful global startup. The first practical lesson should inspire and motivate you to study the discipline.
Independent work:
An essay on the history of the development of a startup chosen by the student, indicating the interaction of this startup with various elements of the ecosystem.
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Benefits for universities
The best results are achieved by teams that include managers, technical specialists, and representatives of creative specialties. Therefore, we recommend introducing the discipline at different faculties and departments of the university.
The program has already been developed and adapted for implementation in educational institutions
The teacher can read the course materials on their own and integrate them into their work immediately
The content of the program is regularly updated by YEP together with the initiative's partners
We integrate the experience of the most successful Ukrainian and international companies into the syllabus, listen to the feedback of course teachers
Continuous professional development of teachers
Semesterly webinars, meetings and programs with our partners from the USA, Estonia, Israel, Ukraine
The teacher of the discipline becomes part of a community that unites 90+ universities
We are creating an all-Ukrainian innovative community of entrepreneurship teachers to share experiences
Additional events
Student Startup Battle
A national competition for student startups is held twice a year as part of the Entrepreneurial University initiative. Each student can submit their idea for the competition and receive additional training after studying the course "Innovative Entrepreneurship and Startup Project Management."
The best teams will present their startups to a professional jury. The competition winners will pass incubation by YEP, receive marketing mentoring from the Genesis product company, and prizes from other partners of the initiative.
Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs
The Entrepreneurial Exchange Programme in Europe is for those who have just started a business or are dreaming of starting one.
An aspiring entrepreneur travels to another European country to exchange experience with a more experienced entrepreneur. The entrepreneurs work together for 1-6 months to help each other develop their business.
Do you want to join? Write to us at eye@yepworld.org. More information about the programme is available here.
Who is the program for?
Скільки триває програма?Програма може тривати декілька місяців і ділиться на два етапи: Перший: Преінкубаційне навчання на онлайн-платформі, робота з навчальними матеріалами, структурування (3-5 тижнів) Другий: Отримання двох менторських сесій Також ви зможете долучитися до спільноти YEP (немає обмежень у часі)
А потрібно щось платити за участь?Участь в програмі є безкоштовною. Від команд очікується тільки бажання працювати та розвивати свій продукт.
Чи варто подаватися на інкубацію, якщо ми маємо тільки ідею?Так! Саме вас ми і шукаємо, щоб допомогти прокачати ідею і дати навички для розбудови стартапу.
Чи відкрита програма для стартапів, які вже мають результати?Так. Ми будемо раді попрацювати з стартапами, які мають перші результати, але все ще шукають знання, структурування та нові знайомства. Крім того, якщо ви вже досягли певного рівня — можете податися в акселераційну програму YEP.
Де буде проходити комунікація по програмі?Комунікацію команда YEP будує через листування та канал в Telegram.
Коли очікувати відповіді, що я потрапив/ла в програму?Протягом 7 днів після подачі заявки.
Чи можу я самостійно пройти програму? Чи є обов’язковою умовою повна команда?Якщо ви зможете самостійно справитись з усіма завданнями та в міру проходження програми будете шукати собі допомогу, то ми тільки за! Головне — мотивація!
How can a university join?A teacher or a representative of the university administration should fill out the form on the Entrepreneurial University page. We will contact you and advise on the next steps.
Is this program free of charge for universities?Yes, thanks to the support of the USAID Competitive Economy of Ukraine Program and other partners of the Entrepreneurial University, there is no fee for participation in the program.
How do I confirm my participation in the initiative?To confirm your participation, you need to send us a confirmation letter from your management using the template to daryna.tambulatova@yepworld.org
Can I join the program if my university does not yet have a discipline?So far, the discipline "Innovative entrepreneurship and startup project management" is being implemented in certain universities. If you are a university teacher/administration, please fill out the form on the Entrepreneurial University page. We are currently working on developing a course that can be joined by any interested student, regardless of university. For basic knowledge, we recommend watching our series Start a Startup on the Diia. Digital Education platform.
How do I get materials for the course if I am a teacher?After filling out the form, we will contact you, advise you on the next steps and provide access to teaching and learning materials on the Moodle platform.